Protect city nature

A great number of animal species are threatened with extinction in the Netherlands, and also in Amsterdam. Swifts, house sparrows, and bats have a particularly hard time in the city: their sleeping places are often threatened by renovations, demolitions and the removal of trees. Fortunately, Amsterdam residents like you can help to protect the habitats of these species! Natuur&Milieuteam Zuid is happy to show you how: through our regular guided tours and courses, or by putting you in touch with the experts.
Amsterdam South is fortunate to be home for many protected animal species, including swifts, bats, house sparrows, bees, frogs and toads. The number of species that are able to thrive in our city district are an indicator of the quality of our natural environment. Natuur&Milieuteam Zuid is therefore doing a great deal to protect these creatures and their habitats. Together with alert neighbours, we ensure that they are safe and that they receive adequate food, shelter and nesting places.

Stay alert
We will do everything in our power to protect a colony of swifts nesting in a building that is slated to be renovated or demolished. The same goes for bats and house sparrows. If you become aware of building activities (newly erected scaffolding is a good clue) in a building that contains nesting species, call or email the Natuur&Milieuteam Zuid advisor in your neighbourhood so that they can ensure that the correct measures are taken.

Report observations
There are often discussions about whether or not threatened plants or animals could be harmed in specific building projects. But you can’t protect a species if you don’t know where it is: their whereabouts can only be ascertained through observation. You can also make a contribution by reporting the appearance of specific species at

Legally protected
The Natuur&Milieuteam Zuid team relies on the Flora & Fauna Law, in force since 1 April 2002, in our nature protection tasks. This legislation is meant to ensure that animals and plants living in the wild are as far as possible left alone. The Amsterdam City Council has drawn up a code of conduct for the careful handling of flora and fauna during the development, ongoing management and maintenance of projects.

You can find more information on the Amsterdam City Council’s Flora & Fauna website.
In Amsterdam South, it is mostly swifts, bees, bats and house sparrows that need your help to survive.
Rules, rights and responsibilities concerning trees can be found in the 2012 Tree Regulation of Amsterdam South as well as in other regulations, such as the Wabo.